Other than the story that the El sucked, hired Liberty Kitchen, and didn't suck anymore, I don't know much about the El Cantina Superior. I'm hearing most people like it now and hiring Liberty Kitchen as consultants has been a really good decision and a huge success. We liked our little server, she was super cute and super excited about the place, after the conversion. We followed her suggestions and ordered the two margaritas she suggested. She was super excited about them, but unfortunately we only thought they were ok. One was a spicy concotion and the other was off the menu, not sure what its name was. No point in mentioning because I'm not suggesting you try them. We did follow her food suggestions and ordered the Quesadillas, which were super duper delicious and we also ordered the Poblano Chiles' with brisket which I thought was good, but liked the Quesadillas better, mm mm. We really liked their chips and salsa too. Atmosphere was nice, super festive, but kind of roomy, I think they could add a few more table settings...nice place, I likey.
The El Cantina Superior (Heights)
in Restaurants