Local Pho (Sawyer Heights)


I was skeptical, but since our favorite place, Les Baget, is out of commission at the moment, we thought it would be a food time to try Local Pho.  The location is cool, the building is cool, the space is nice.  

The tofu spring rolls we ordered came wrapped in Saran Wrap and on a styrofoam plate.  The peanut sauce looked unappealing but tasted ok.  The rice paper on the spring rolls were ripped and they themselves weren’t horrible, but overall weren’t that great.  Matt ordered the Pho Ga and said it was good.  I got the Pho Tai and thought mine was not very flavorful and really greasy.  And after we were done, sitting there for maybe 5-10 minutes our soups had congealed and looked really gross.  Anyway, not the best experience and probably safe to say I will not be returning.